Living Water Community Clinic

Free Medical, Counseling, and Spiritual Care


Living Water Community Clinic currently a mission of The Lake of the Woods Church in partnership with area churches, organizations, and businesses, serves uninsured patients whose household incomes do not exceed the 200% federal poverty level.  These individuals are sometimes referred to as the working poor – people whose incomes do not allow them to afford healthcare.  Often, they have to choose between food, shelter and health insurance.  According to the Virginia Health Care Foundation, the vast majority of non-elderly uninsured are part of working families.  Because of Virginia’s strict guidelines, they cannot qualify for Medicaid.  In other words, a family of four earning $48,500 a year would be considered at or below the 200% federal poverty level.  Uninsured patients’ health suffers severely.  Uninsured Americans have a higher likelihood of being diagnosed with late-stage cancers and a far lower rate of receiving important screening tests.  This is mainly due to the fact that uninsured patients wait until they are very, very sick to seek any medical care because they are unable to afford it.

Services provided by the Free Clinic include acute care, free counseling services, free prescription services, referral to medical specialists when necessary, and access to free laboratory and x-ray services.  The Clinic operates under the umbrella of a Medical Director and is staffed with volunteer clinicians (physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses), and unlicensed volunteers for administrative and clerical responsibilities. 


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